American Crocodile

Crocodylus acutus
(Cuvier, 1807)
Everglades, Miami-Dade Co., Florida. July 17, 2016.

Many herpers get their first American Crocodile around the docks at Flamingo, down in the Everglades.  I am among them, although I could not get great shots of any crocs there.. I also took a boat ride up one of the canals and saw a large juvenile basking in the mangrove, but it was turned away from me. Someday I will get a decent look at this species.  It’s hard to complain, since this was just one of three crocodilian species that I got to see in 2016.

My Flickr album for this species is here.

Related blog post:  Getting Around To The ‘Glades

Everglades 2017 Flickr album is here.

HerpMapper records for this species are here.


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